Is Sir Alex Turning into Wenger?

As a Manchester United fan, I am beginning to worry about Manchester United's lack of activity in the transfer market. We are gradually being linked with more players, but none seem to be concrete interest from our club.

Sir Alex Ferguson has said continuously that he trusts the players that are already at the club and that there are very good young players coming through. So does this mean no transfers for the red side of Manchester?

Trusting the youngsters is a risky and Arsene Wenger - like thing to do. Wenger is famous for preffering to trust his young, in-experienced players instead of buying players for big money, and in the past two transfer markets, United haven't done much in terms of big name players. The club insists that Ferguson still has the £80 million from the sale of Ronaldo to spend, but I find that hard to believe considering the masses of debt the club is in.

Hernandez and Smalling have been the two signings so far. At first I was worried that Hernandez could be another David Bellion, Kleberson or Djemba Djemba, but he proved me wrong in the World Cup. He looked very lively, and against good opposition too. He scored very good goals against France and Argentina, so he has the ability and is a goalscorer, but I just think we need more.

Wesley Sneijder and Balotelli are just two players that have been linked with United. I would settle with just one. Sneijder was excellent in the World Cup with brilliant through balls and 5 goals which show that he clearly has a footballing mind, much like Paul Scholes. Balotelli looks very strong and an interesting player. He apparently has a bad attitude, but I'm sure Sir Alex could sort that out.

Time will go fast in this transfer market with clubs like Manchester City with bag fulls of money ready to get anyone they hear of in a flash, so lets get going.


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